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SJC seeks member of public to serve on Guardian Ad Litem Review Board. Applications due by December 29, 2023.
Date: 12/1/2023
Are you interested in serving on the Maine Guardian ad Litem Review Board? There is an opening for a public member of the Board. Public members are adults living in Maine who are neither lawyers nor guardians ad litem and who have an interest in public service on behalf of children and families.
The Board investigates complaints made against guardians ad litem. The Board is made up of 8 guardians ad litem and 4 public members. It meets regularly in Augusta. There is no compensation for service. For more information about the duties of the board see the website of the Board of Overseers of the Bar.
Interested individuals should send an application letter and resume to Matthew Pollack, Executive Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court, either by mail to 205 Newbury St Rm 139, Portland ME 04101, or as native pdf documents attached to an email to lawcourt.clerk@courts.maine.gov. Applications must be received by December 29, 2023.