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Advisory Committee on Probate Procedure Rules
The Advisory Committee on the Maine Rules of Probate Procedure administers the Maine Rules of Probate Procedure, makes recommendations to the Supreme Judicial Court regarding rule amendments, and drafts new or amended probate rules in order to clarify existing rules or to addess new legal issues. In addition, the Committee is responsible for creating, updating, and facilitating the official Maine probate forms utilized by Maine Probate Courts in collaboration with the Assemblies of Maine Probate Judges and Registers.
Type: Supreme Judicial Court Standing Committee
Chair: Avery Day, Esq., of Augusta
Membership Roster
Terms expire March 1, 2025
Avery Day, Esq., of Augusta (Chair)
Hon. Carol Emery, of Rockland
Lauren B. Weliver, Esq., of Yarmouth
Terms expire March 1, 2026
Scott Houde, Esq., of Biddeford
Julie Mallett, Esq., of Brewer
Terms expire September 1, 2026
Kristy Hapworth, Esq., of Bangor
Lauren Wille, Esq., of Augusta
Members ex officio (President or any designee(s) of the Maine Association of Registers of Probate)
Carol Lovevoy, Register, York County Probate Court
Sharon Peavey, Register, Waldo County Probate Court
Supreme Judicial Court Liaison: Associate Justice Catherine R. Connors
Updated March 3, 2023